By Sophie Huiberts. Last updated January 20th 2025. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
New game new chances, and what a game it is! Hades 2 brings fresh challenges to the fresh file category, and in this guide I hope to set you on your path to a first run clear. Since the game is still in early access, this guide will include no spoilers for anything past first run.
You might know me from my Hades 1 first run guide, or from the times when I held first place on the Hades 2 Fresh File leaderboards. This guide for Hades 2 will be similar to the first one. I will describe the leading build strategy for top-level times.
Besides this guide, it can be helpful to watch some game footage of other people clearing first run. I suggest looking at the leaderboard on speedrun dot com, since we have no reference run with all safe strats.
If you want to chat about strategies or want feedback on how to improve your play then I suggest joining the speedrunning discord server. If you have feedback on this guide, you can find me there in the #h2-fresh-file channel.
January 20th 2025: Major update for present day mechanics and meta.
July 25th: List of Cerberus attacks plus their damage amounts
July 24th: Minor updates for Patch 4
June 27th: Added general note about this guide’s status for Patch 3.
June 26th: Added the important message to turn off auto aim.
June 9th: Eris thresholds and boss attack damage. Sunny disposition savestate.
June 8th: replaced Chronos savestates. one has PS, one has steam.
June 7th: added fields miniboss savestates, expanded introduction.
June 6th 2024: initial version.
This game has 5 core boons, one for each of Mel’s 4 abilities plus a fifth one to rec
Attack deals 20/25/45 damage. Ω Attack (press and hold the button) deals 120 damage at a cost of 20 Magick.
Special deals 10 damage and hits up to 3 enemies. Ω Special (press and hold the button) deals 80 damage at a cost of 10 Magick.